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The “Manifesto” of the Jewish Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth contains words for life and living into God’s Kindom. Most people are familiar with the things taught about this man but are unfamiliar with what He taught. His primary focus while on earth was to raise up and mold disciples in His Way who would carry on His words and make more disciples for what came to be branded as “The Way.” The Way is not an institution, club, agency, school of thought, or any other identifiable human category. His Way was living a life moving towards and into His Father’s Kindom. His central teaching has been identified as “The Sermon on the Mount found in the early chapters (5-7) of Matthew’s Gospel. These revolutionary and dangerous words call into question our attachments, loyalties, and aspirations. His words reach our hearing at several different levels. This Fall, Bethany Union Church, with the leadership of its pastor/teacher, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Lawrence Michael Cameron, OAC, will conduct a sermon series on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. It begins Sunday, October 2, 2022, during our 10:30 a.m. morning worship with a recitation of the Sermon in its fullness. We will hear the Sermon in its entirety and be open to the Holy Spirit, who directs our hearts and feelings, our heads, and our thinking. Then for the next six Sundays, we will carefully and with discernment seek to “flesh out” the Word given to us by Him. The Sermon on the Mount is dangerous, not just some ancient literary relic. Its power and beauty come from the same maker as your soul. Let us heed His words when he says to us, “Why do you call me Lord but do not follow my teaching?” To follow, one needs to know what His teaching is and the context and meaning relayed to those disciples who first received it and were totally, completely, and visibly transformed by His Word. Come and see. Come and learn. Come and be with us in a safe and holy place as we launch into the dangerous, transforming, and abundant reality of Jesus Christ.

Join Us for our 7 week sermon Series

Sermon on the Mount

Oct. 3rd - Nov.13th

Sundays 10:30 a.m.

In Person or

Live Streaming on Facebook

The Historic Bethany Union Church of Chicago

1750 W 103rd Street * Chicago, IL 60643

773-779-0123 *

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