Volunteer and Community Outreach Programs
Cub Scout Pack #3607
Cubmaster, Mr. Mike Crispo mcrispo@sbcglobal.net
or contact
Girls & Boys Grades 1 thru 5
The Scouting journey begins in our Cub Scout Pack 3607. The Pack meets on Thursday evenings. Here the young scouts build on what they learn every year, completing projects alongside parents to a point where the parent simply offers support. They also work alongside the Boy Scout Troop 607 for many of their events, as well as their annual Pinewood Derby and other projects. Pack 3607 has been with Bethany Union for over 80 years.
Girl Scout Troop
none at this time
Junior Scouts grades 4 thru 5;
Cadettes grades 6 thru 8
Senior Girl Scouts (Grades 9-10)
Ambassador Girl Scouts (Grades 11-12
Bethany Union Church has had a Girl Scout Troop for over 70 years, though not continuously. Troop 20117 is active all year long, but from September – June, they meet at Bethany Union Church on the 2nd Saturday of the month. We look forward to the Girl Scout Cookie sale in February-March, and Girl Scout Sunday, traditionally the second Sunday of March.
Ages 12-17
Boy Scout Troop 607 is over 100 years old and has always been associated with Bethany Union Church. They meet every Wednesday evening from September – June. They host the annual Pancake Breakfast on the first Saturday in December. They participate in the Beverly Breast Cancer Walk, the Chicago Polar Plunge benefitting Special Olympics Chicago, and the troop marches in the Memorial Day Parade on Longwood Drive. Troop 607 joins other Scouts from the area in marching in the South Side Irish St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Boy Scout Troop #607
Scoutmaster Mr. Michael Rudd
Bethany Union is pleased to offer the following services
to our community through our
partnership with their organizations.
Please Contact our partners directly for the most
up to date information about their offerings.
TEECH Recovery Ministry
The Far Southside ROSC Initiative (Planning for a Better Community,) includes the TEECH Foundation and TEECH Ministry. The TEECH (Transforming, Educating and Empowering Children and Humanity) Recovery Ministries and the TEECH Foundation continue the fight of addiction by building a platform of unity and resources through advocacy and education with the goal of sustaining long-term recovery. TEECH strives to build communities that no longer fear or stigmatize the recovering or mentally challenged person, but treats them with dignity and respect; therefore offering services to make this vision a reality. The recovery process is being supported by the Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) Model. For more information,
Check out the TEECH website www.teechfoundation1.org
or contact Dr Karen White directly at svdbygraceandmercy@sbcglobal.net or (224)406-3798.
Dynasty Personified
The mission of Dynasty Personified is to give voice to marginalized women, who have otherwise been silenced, through intentional experiences that foster personal growth and professional development.
The world's depiction of a creation so dear, so fierce, so great and grand, yet as delicate and full of life as is a flower, while simultaneously enduring many years of pressure, as that of a diamond, is that of a woman. We are the foundation of many things and the center of others, which has no doubt made our world a remarkable piece of art, full of strength and love. We continue to evolve and must cultivate spaces to support and empower the greatness of who we are, pouring into our vessels as we do for those around us, daily. What a time for women to be alive and make our mark with wisdom and grace. We look forward to serving, building and blazing trails with countless women here at Dynasty Personified where health, wealth and riches belong. For more information check out our website at www.dynasty-personified.org, email us at info@dynastypersonified.org or call us at 312.899.6370
The Music Scene
The Music Scene & Petite Artists
All of your musical needs and desires in one place under the leadership of director Soprano Extraordinaire Anisha Hill-McFarland. Class for young and old in voice, piano and hand bells. Use website themusicscene.co or contact Anisha directly 773-206-9986
Jety Activity Center
The Jety Center is an activity center for 5 - 15 yr. olds that is carefully crafted to not only help students master the work they are currently doing in school, but challenges them to build their skill set, employ critical thinking skills, improve health and wellness, and increase leadership skills. To learn more about their programs, please visit www.jetyactivities.com
My Crafty Table & Sewing
My Crafty Table & Sewing
Crafts, Sewing, and Creativity with DIY projects offered each month on the 2nd Saturday at Noon. Felicia Alston is our Craft Guru and has many wonderful arts and crafts tricks and projects up her sleeve. She is a CPS teacher and certified sewing instructor. www.mycraftytable.com