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Gratitude Pilgrimage Soon...

This coming Sunday the members and friends of the Historic Bethany Union Church of Chicago will begin their 26 day pilgrimage into Thank Fullness. Everyone who is in attendance at the 10:30 a.m. Service

of Worship will be receiving Pastor Larry’s newly published Handbook and field guide concerning the implementation of gratitude into one’s daily living in order to improve one’s life satisfaction rating and sense of well being. This day will mark the launch of a 26 day adventure that follows the guidebook with daily activities and reflections that takes us all up to our National Day of Thanksgiving. The morning messages during our worship time on the November Sundays along with weekly workshops being held at 7:00p.m. Ever Wednesday evening are designed to help every Pilgrim incorporate the resilience of grateful living in a real and transforming manner. Everyone who is ready to stretch and grow in their faith is welcomed. Everything is free and there are no strings attached and you can be thankful for that!

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